Personalised gifts

From personalised mugs with your company logo to top-of-the-range Ravensburger jigsaw puzzles and photos on canvas, Joomeo offers you the very best in personalised gifts and objects that you can create in just a few clicks. Original gift ideas that last.

Make your loved ones smile.

Making people happy isn’t that complicated! We have a whole catalog of gift objects that you can personalize with your photos. Make room for creativity and get started!

For all ages...

It’s easy to make people happy with Joomeo!

A designer mug to enjoy a good cup of coffee, puzzles to share with the family or photos on canvas to redecorate your home… you will definitely find the gift you need.

...for any occasion

Mother’s Day, birthdays, going-away gifts…
A gift for every occasion. The joy of taking part in creating the object, without the hazards and risks of a “handmade” item! Your present will make people happy for sure.