What's the Carbon Footprint?

What's the carbon footprint ?

The carbon footprint of an individual, company or community represents the volume of greenhouse gases (GHGs) he/she has released over a given time. This quantity is expressed in CO2 equivalents for easier reading.

GHGs contribute significantly to the average temperature increase on our planet.

Everyone must therefore act at their own level to reduce these emissions. However, we can’t reduce our footprint if we don’t know how big it is. This is why Joomeo posts the CO2 equivalent (CO2e) of your space in your account.

What's the carbon footprint of your Joomeo space?

The amount of CO2e indicated in your Joomeo space is provided for information purposes only. This figure corresponds to the theoretical GHG emissions related to the storage of your photos, videos and other files in your albums. It changes as a function of the space your backups occupy on our servers (in gigabytes).

Your carbon footprint on Joomeo is automatically calculated by our platform according to the indices provided by ADEME. This may vary according to the improvements that ADEME makes to its mathematical models to determine the GHG emissions of each activity. The carbon footprint displayed in your Joomeo space may increase or decrease despite not having imported or deleted any images…

One rule will always remain the same: the less data you store, the better it is for the planet! So consider following our advice for reducing your GHG emissions.

To better understand the GHG emissions of storing your photos and videos on Joomeo, we’re offering you this equivalence calculator from ADEME and Datagir.

Take it a step further...

CO2 concentration and ocean acidification

How is a carbon footprint calculated?

There are six greenhouse gases considered to have a high impact:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2),
  • Methane (CH4),
  • Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC),
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O),
  • Perfluorocarbon (PFC),
  • Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).

They don’t all cause the same level of harm. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) is an index developed by the IPCC to determine the harmfulness of a GHG for the environment in comparison to CO2.

In the table below, based on data provided in the 5th IPCC report, we see that Methane has a GWP of 84. This means that, for an identical quantity, methane is 84 times more harmful than CO2. So the carbon footprint of one kilo of methane is 84 kgCO2e.

GWP* over 20 years GWP* over 100 years
CO2 (carbon dioxide)
CH4 (methane)
N2O (nitrous oxide)
CF4 (carbon tetrafluoride)
HFC-152a (1.1-difluoroethane)
*GWP: Global Warming Potential (CO2 eq). Conventional values in “CO2 equivalent” (source: 5th IPCC report)

How to reduce your carbon footprint

The first step is understanding the extent of your carbon impact! Start by assessing the impact of your digital activity by clicking below:

Then we give you a number of tips on our page entitled, “Reducing my carbon footprint”, so you can take action on Joomeo as well as in your everyday life. You’re just one click away from simple and effective solutions!